What is trauma?


Trauma is an emotional injury sustained by an event. The emotional wound is the trauma that the brain has not processed. It is temporarily set aside in the limbic system. Trauma means not only psychological trauma but also physical injury. For example, someone says the wrong thing to you. When you're traumatized, you react as if you're being hurt again. You become angry, anxious or sad. What is said subconsciously reminds you of what once happened and was painful for you. This is also called a trigger.

What happens with wounds is you get scar tissue. The nature of scar tissue is that it is hard, rigid. It's not flexible, it doesn't grow, it doesn't have nerve endings so it doesn't feel.

On the one hand, trauma can thus present itself as a very sensitive wound. At the same time, this can appear in the same person as an area where there is no feeling but rigidity. As a result, there is no flexibility and capacity to grow.

If you were hurt as a child, you can't just run away or fight back when you're young. After all, you depend on your parents / educators. If there is no acknowledgment or no talk about the incident, the following happens unconsciously: you disconnect from your feelings and from your body in order not to feel. The fundamental trauma is that disconnection from yourself. That disconnection causes problems both mentally and physically until you heal the wound. Examples of problems include:

  • attachment problems (not being able to commit to the other person in relationships because this causes fear);
  • physical stress-related complaints;
  • addiction in various forms such as substance use, pornography, working very hard, gaming, sex, excessive exercise;
  • in relationships only able to give and not receive;
  • pleasing;
  • at the slightest trigger, an expression of extreme anger or fear.

Trauma is often passed on intergenerationally. If it's not resolved, if it's not healed, we unconsciously automatically pass it on to our children. That is not our intention, but we will do it.

Trauma and the limbic system
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